With only 56 days to go, I’m focussed on my training. It’s getting harder as the days get shorter. I’m a total sook for cold dark mornings. I’ve been mixing my cycling with Reformer Pilates and lots of walking.
I’ve got lists scattered throughout the house which allows me to note things down as I think of them. This includes my Camino Credencial, my shells, booking my airport transfer in Lisbon, etc.
I’ve decided to go with a GaN wall charger and two batteries this time. I’ve been testing the charging times and they are working really well, although quite heavy. I’m also planning on taking my Garmin for the first time. Not so much for navigation but recording the trip. I’ll see how that goes.
I’ve purchased a new MSR Whisperlite as the one I have is 18 years old and has been lit more than 600 times. A great plug for MSR which I why I’ve gone with the same again. I’m fairly confident I can find Shellite in Lisbon, albeit a different name. Fingers crossed for that.
I’ve booked a guesthouse in Lisbon as they will hold my bike box for the duration of my trip. With a few days in Lisbon to look around and get supplies, this seemed like a good option.
Not long now……