Tuesday 4 June 2019

A slight hiccup....

So all the best laid plans can come unstuck! I’ve had a hiccup with my training - an unexplained injury that saw me admitted to hospital. I’ve been off the bike for the month of May after doing 500km in April.

I’m working on my recovery and have managed a couple of gentle rides. With only just under 5 weeks until I fly, this has been quite inconvenient as I was feeling strong and ready to roll.

I’m keen to get some kms into my legs during June although Winter has now hit Queensland with snow just outside of Stanthorpe this morning. Riding in Winter is not my favourite thing to do but I need to get bike fit. I’ll get some Reformer Pilates in as well to supplement the lack of training and get some overall strength back. I have good base fitness so hopefully that will be enough.

My good mate Neil is helping me to get my bike ready and I’m so grateful to have his support and that of his wife Sarah for ‘lending’ him to me. :-) He has installed the front rack and is now working on adjusting the panniers to fit both racks. I’m starting to get my gear together and have copied my maps to A3 to help with viewing while I’m on the road.

I’ve decided not to go with a Garmin but rather get a mount and waterproof case for my phone. I’ve added a data pack to my Australia Post travel SIM card and will hotspot to my iPad to make blogging easier.

I still need to purchase my tent and have decided on the MSR Hubba Hubba NX as it is half the weight of my Vango Omega 250. Weight is really going to count on this trip particularly given my injury.

This picture is from my first ride after the injury. An easy 50km.

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