Sunday 23 June 2019

How much gear is too much....

Normally being so organised, I’ve left my run until quite late. Most likely because of my injury hiccup and not knowing whether I was actually going to be able to travel, let alone cycle.

I’ve started to lay out my gear and it’s hard to believe how all of this can possibly fit on one bike. The ‘just in case’ items must stay behind. The ‘maybe I might wear it’ becomes part of the leave behind pile. Tools and spare parts fall into the ‘can I fix it myself with this tool’ or ‘take it to a bike shop’.

Then there are things that are must haves:
Warm clothes
Platypus wine storage :-)
Pillow, sleeping mat, sleeping bag
Lots of underwear and socks

Then there are the nice to haves:
Chair with a back
Shirt with a collar
Thongs for the shower (the ones that go on your feet)
Rain pants

Again, this will come down to weight, not only how much I am ‘allowed’ but how much I can realistically carry.

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