Thursday 21 July 2022

Anduze to Avignon via Pont du Gard 96km

We left the campground early to try to beat the heat. It was a beautiful crisp morning with light winds as we set off with weary bodies. Typically there were a couple of people beside us having  a conversation at 2am which meant little sleep. 

The early riding was beautiful through rolling hills and small villages. The vineyards went on forever as we cycled small roads with little traffic.

Today was always going to be a big day as we wanted to visit the famous and historic Pont du Gard, a Roman aqueduct constructed c. 40-60 AD and on the UNESCO world heritage sites list. A truly amazing sight. 

I struggled in the later part of the day with the heat and climbing taking its toll. It was great to have company and help to get me through the last couple of hours. 

We are in Avignon in an apartment during festival time. The apartment is basic and expensive but it will do for some rest. Unfortunately no air conditioning. 🥵🥵🥵

We will look at our planning for the next few days as we are a day behind schedule. We will likely jump on a train tomorrow to get us out of Avignon and a little further forward. Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I don’t know how you’re managing to keep riding in the heat! Take care x
