Monday 18 July 2022

Capestang to Gignac 81km

Another big riding day with a small unplanned detour. Beautiful scenery. Rolling hills. But bloody hot even for an Aussie. It was 39 degrees today and with the reflected heat from the bitumen, you can add a few more to that. Those who know me know I love the heat but that is mostly with a G&T poolside. Riding a loaded bike for 80km in that sort of heat is just completely zapping me of energy. 

We were planning on sticking with the itinerary but we have decided to have a day off tomorrow to ride to Saint Guilhem and explore the medieval town, kayak in the river and rest our tired legs. We will make the day up somehow, and will worry about that later. We are on holidays after all. 

1 comment:

  1. Please look after yourselves in the heat xxx
