Wednesday 27 July 2022

Saint-Pierre-d’Albigny to Annecy 81km

 Another big day and some beautiful cycling along the V62. Spectacular scenery as we rode between the mountains. The closer we got the Annecy, the more cyclists on the route.

The last 30km were into a block head wind which kept us cool but oh boy, did it hurt. He wind roared through the valley putting small waves on the lake!  We had to pedal downhill! 

Annecy is so busy with traffic, bikes and people. It certainly wasn’t like this when I visited 22 years ago. That’s progress and everyone’s desire to travel after two years of restrictions.

We arrived at the municipal campground close to the city, up a massive climb, only to find out they were full. We had tried to book last week but bookings weren’t accepted less than seven days in advance. Elodie had also been trying to call, but they never answered their telephone. Luckily we were able to find a small apartment in the city that we could afford. Still very expensive which means we are over budget but it’s a small price to pay given we weren’t keen on continuing to ride further in the hope of finding camping. 

We will ride around the lake on our rest day and do a recon to the train station where we will get the train to Lyon on Thursday morning. 


  1. Garry and I will be there in September - hoping the heat will have subsided and the freeze won't have kicked in. So looking forward to it.

  2. You'll enjoy the bed Sue even if over budget. Hope you find a some good French fare and wine.
