Saturday 9 July 2022

Paris - Angouleme - Riberac 68km

We set out early to the train station to ensure we had plenty of time. After being slightly misplaced at the rear of the train station we eventually found our way inside. A crazy time finding the bike carriage and then trying to get loaded bikes through a narrow door up two sets of stairs only to be told by a camp supervisor that we couldn’t put the bikes where they needed to go because there were children sitting there. 🫤 A lovely French lady came to the rescue and the bikes were secured in the correct location. Only problem left was finding other seats as the children had ours. 🙄 Enter SNCF, who tried to sort out the problem which resulted in us travelling in first class seats. 😁 Karma! 

I’ve been using Kamoot for the second time and I’m still not convinced it’s the best app to find appropriate routes. We used it to find our way out of Angouleme and it had us going up a 20% pinch with stairs at the end. 😬

After eventually walking into the centre, we used google maps to find our way out. It was beautiful riding through rolling hills of farmland with sunflowers and wheat the most popular crop. We got to see our first Chateau! 

We were meeting Elodie at the campground but unfortunately got a little misplaced with two campgrounds by the same name, so frustrating but lucky we didn’t head up an unnecessary climb. We figured out beforehand that we were being misdirected. Apparently a Google issue.

It’s a lovely campground on the river Dronne and we have the company of my beautiful friend Elodie. 

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