Sunday 10 July 2022

Riberac to Bergerac 65km

Another long day in the saddle with 10% elevation and the temperature hitting 39 degrees at one point. 

We rolled farmland and forest along the ridge line which meant we went up and down a lot! The scenery is spectacular and the roads relatively quiet until we get closer to the towns. Riding into Bergerac and seeing the Dordogne river was a relief. We knew our long day was almost over and it is such a pretty town with lots of history. 

Having done this on my own last time, having riding company is sensational. It’s nice to have others to chat with and find shared solutions to often tricky challenges. 

We all have a few niggles which comes with the territory. There have been a few casualties though. My helmet needs to be replaced because it got damaged in transit. The superglue holding my sunglasses together has finally let go so they need to be replaced. The handlebar bag bracket is not repairable so the cable ties are holding for now. And last but certainly not least, my right shoe has fallen apart. It has been glued for now but looks like another replacement is on the cards. 

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