Thursday 7 July 2022

Paris - you warm my heart

After an extremely long flight, we finally arrived in Paris. The airport transfer had some issues but we eventually were collected from CDG. The Hotel De La Port Doree was again my choice of accommodation being so bike friendly. Our room now looks like a laundromat after trying out our new wash bag. Works a treat! It even did a great job on the unused metro tickets! 

Paris never disappoints with so much to see and new places to explore. I never get bored of the attractions. I could see them over and over again. It’s nice to be able to show someone else around. France has always felt like my second home and to share that is comforting. 

Getting fuel for the MSR Whisperlite was high on the agenda and again the Mr Bricolage in Paris came through. Yay! 

Assembling the bikes and doing a reconnaissance to Gare de Montparnasse was number two on the list. With a train strike on at the moment, who knows what Friday will bring. 

Sampling some great GF restaurants and cafes was also on the agenda. They didn’t disappoint. And the wine! So cheap in comparison and amazingly good! 

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous photos Sue. So happy that you’re off on this adventure! x
