Tuesday 16 July 2019

Argenton les Vallees to Coulon 97km

Well, another huge day!

It was beautiful cycling through rolling hills of mostly farmland. It was predominantly wheat, corn and sunflowers although some livestock as well. Early on there were still some vineyards but they became less as I travelled south west. 

Some of the climbing today was quite tough particularly on a loaded bike. There were many road cyclists out on the same route which was reassuring. I can see how the landscape would be lovely on a road bike as well. I was determined not to risk falling over by unclipping half way up a hill so battled through each one.

I had the most amazing views when I finally made it to the top of the plateau. I could see for miles and miles in all directions. It was stunning. Then I had the most incredible downhill for about 3km! Sorry, no pictures! I wasn’t stopping to take them, but rather choosing to enjoy the moment and a rest for my weary legs. 

I had a choice of two campgrounds but chose the one closest to the canals and marshes that I want to explore. This area is well known for these waterways and the wonderful walking and cycling.  I will leave that for tomorrow on my rest day. 

I’m looking forward to my friend arriving tomorrow and having some company for the next few days. It’s been quite lonely on my own for the past 10 days. 

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