Friday 12 July 2019

Vendome to Vaas 80km

So I tried to make up for lost time today. It didn’t work!  I had a headwind the whole way and I’m completely shattered. I hope to make it to Angers tomorrow but I’m not sure I can. That will be another big day.  

I want to try and stick to my timeline if I can because I need a rest day and I need that rest day after one more riding day so I will see how that goes. Generally I aim for four days on, one day off the bike. 

The riding today was quite lovely with some rolling hills and some flats and I actually didn’t get misplaced. I spent the time looking at my maps making sure I was on track. I’m so glad I have my Sim card in my phone because I have used that frequently to find out where I am and where I’m trying to get to. 

I still haven’t managed to get better sun screen and I continue to burn. Hopefully tomorrow when I’m in a bigger town. 

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