Wednesday 24 July 2019

La Souterraine to Rosnay 72km

What a beautiful ride this turned out to be. The route I mapped was perfect. There was only one issue. The heat! 

With another heatwave set to hit France, we were keen to get going early
 It was already warm when we set off just after 8am knowing it was going to get hotter as the day progressed. It was beautiful cycling on very small country roads between fields of sunflowers, wheat and livestock. 

Once it got to midday, the heat became oppressive even for this Aussie chick who loves the heat! Poor Gabri! It was a very tough ride for her. Being from the Netherlands, this heat is extremely unusual. 

We eventually limped into our campground, a very small municipal one. There seems to be nothing in the town and the nearest supermarket almost 20km away. 

After a long wait to put the tents up, we eventually took a ride into town and found the Hotel St Louis. So cool inside which is a welcome change from the heat. And he is cooking us dinner! How cool is that! 

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