Sunday 28 July 2019

Chaumont sur Loire to Orleans 88 km = 1110km!

Last night the temperature didn’t seem to drop much. Possibly because of the cloud cover and rolling thunderstorms that I woke to this morning. The storms eventually passed and I didn’t have a wet tent to pack because I had done it before the rain started. 

The ride today was mostly on tow path beside the Loire. It’s easy riding but not very interesting. We stopped for lunch in the lovely village of Beaugency which was nice. I couldn’t have ridden 90km on salad which is all I had the previous day. 

I have decided to camp outside of Orleans in Olivet whee there is a lovely campground with cold drinks! Tomorrow we will ride the last 8km into Orleans to catch the train into Paris where I’ll spend the next few days. Elodie is meeting me in Paris and Gabri is leaving Sunday morning.

Looking forward to seeing the last stage of the Tour de France! 

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