Monday 1 July 2019

The jigsaw puzzle of packing....

It’s always a challenge when travelling with a bike to get everything packed and remain within your baggage allowance. In the past, I’ve perfected the weight limit but that was travelling with a tandem which weighs less than two individual bikes. This time it’s a little tougher trying to get everything under 30kg of check-in and 7kg of carry-on with a solo steel framed bike.

With a lot of help from beautiful friends, I’m almost there! I’m on the cusp of the weight limit and am a little worried that I may have to pay for a little excess baggage. I’ve only ever done this in Australia on a domestic flight and never travelling internationally. The only excess is my cycling shoes following my decision to go with cleats to protect my dodgy right foot. Cycling shoes balance the pressure across my entire foot and not just the ball of my foot. I really like the toeclips and sandshoes option apart from the hot spot on the ball of my foot. I definitely will be using sandshoes and the flat side of my pedals for supermarket trips and ‘non-riding’ days.

So statistics are (before I get to the airport to re-weigh on their non-calibrated scales):
Bike box: 24.5kg
Check in bag: 5.5kg
Carry on bag: 6.5kg
Backpack (AKA handbag): weighs nothing of course. ;-)

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