Friday 12 July 2019

Chateaudun to Vendome 65km

It was a lovely day riding but I was exhausted from my flight and a very big first day on the bike. I only managed 65km and decided to stop in Vendome rather than push on the extra 20km to my intended destination. 

A couple of times today I followed the EuroVelo route and that made me come unstuck . I got lost twice, once only briefly but the second time, quite misplaced and ended up turning around to try and find the correct route which I eventually did. Good thing is I didn’t have someone else cursing at me!   This all meant more kilometres than intended and I just didn’t have the energy to push on for another hour. 

The gypsies are no longer here in Vendome although I was hassled by a couple of guys on a scooter as I came into town. No harm done but gives you a bad feeling. 

A visit to SFR advised me that my SIM card is locked and the PIN is on the plastic case that you pop the card out of, which I no longer have. Looks like 40 euro down the drain. I’ve sent a message to Elodie to see if she has any advice. 

The campground and town has changed quite a bit since 2006 with a lot of car free space. This makes it very nice to move around.

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