Friday 26 July 2019

Montresor to Chaumont sur Loire via Chateau Chenonceaux 65km

We knew today would be a tough ride with the forecast 42 degrees and no breakfast! 

We set off early and climbed and climbed and climbed. In 35km we made it to Chateau Chenonceaux. A place I had tried to see in 2006 but failed. Well, I didn’t fail this time and had Gabri to keep me company! We couldn’t visit just the gardens so paid the entry cost because I was keen to see in real life what I had previously seen in photographs! It certainly isn’t as big as Chambord or Versailles, but given it sits on the River Cher, it is so pretty! I’m glad I have ticked this off my bucket list! 

With still another 30km to get to Blois, we knew with the heat that we weren’t going to make it. At 11am it was so hot that the water in our bottles was suitable for making coffee! We headed for the Loire and hopefully a few degrees cooler but we didn’t notice it the change. It was so hot! 

We limped into Chaumont sur Loire and a nice municipal campground on the banks of the Loire. We headed out late for a few provisions from the local store only to have our cards not work. Luckily the wonderful shop owner let us take our dinner goodies and we will head back in the morning to pay him after a quick trip over the Loire for an ATM.  

One more riding day remains. Hopefully the 80km into Orleans with cooler weather forecast! 

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