Tuesday 30 July 2019

Le Tour de France

Wow! What a day! The last time I saw the TDF was in 2010 and I had forgotten how hard it can be to move around due to the street closures. Well it was even harder this time with the security tightened! We were in fact told that the TDF was closed!

We walked 15km and climbed 18 floors on Sunday and still didn’t make it on to the Champs Élysées. In any case, I am so happy that Caleb won the stage and a little disappointed for Richie but I guess that is bike racing.

We took the time to see Notre Dame after the devastating fire. It’s quite heartbreaking to see such a monument destroyed.

Some pictures and video to help you feel like you were here with me!

Special thanks to Elodie who has no real interest in the TDF but walked all over Paris with me just so I could catch a glimpse!

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