Monday 22 July 2019

Limoges to La Souterraine 65km (750m climbing)

What a day of riding. Forests and farmland. Big hills and rolling hills.

I knew this ride would be tough for two reasons. It was my first ride on my own since Elodie joined me. Elodie is a great touring companion and I missed her so much today. The second was that I knew I would be climbing almost the complete ride! I don’t have the elevation stats as Elodie was recording those for us but my estimate on Google maps is somewhere in the vicinity of 750m.

I just seemed to be constantly climbing. I can recall two significant downhills but that’s all. Parts of the route were also quite busy and that is quite scary when you are climbing so slowly. 

I eventually made it to La Souterraine and the campground. Despite there being a beautiful grassy site beside me, I’m in the dirt. I’ve always been told by my French friends that you will be offered the worst first. Today, I was and I couldn’t be bothered arguing. I’m too tired. 

Tomorrow I will ride to the Benevent-l’Abbaye. This is a town quite famous on the Camino route so I will take a round trip there without gear given how hilly this area is. 

I’m also very excited because Gabri arrives tomorrow afternoon to cycle with me for the next few days. I’m looking forward to her company. 

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