Friday 19 July 2019

Civray to St Junien - 71km (800m climbing)

Wow! What a day on the back of the previous 90km. It was hilly! We had some beautiful rolling hills but they soon became relentless and we climbed all day. 

The scenery was beautiful and the fields and fields of sunflowers were never ending. We are riding mostly through farmland and small villages on very quiet roads. Unfortunately we made one wrong turn which meant we rode a substantial climb that wasn’t required only to have to back it up with a very big climb that was on our correct route. This was the toughest climb I’ve done on my bike this trip and it hurt, a lot! 

I thought at one point I couldn’t possibly ride any further. Somehow though you just keep turning the pedals and find a bit more strength to get up the next hill. It’s great having someone to ride with for a few days. Elodie is a great riding partner. She rides at a similar pace and we travel very well together enjoying our breaks and having many laughs along the way.

People often wonder how we fit everything on our bikes so I have included a photo of the campground in the process of being packed up and then with everything on our bikes. Everything has a place and if you remember where it goes, then it will fit! 

One more riding day until Limoges and then I have a hotel room for two nights. Hopefully we can sort my SIM card issues in Limoges before Elodie leaves on Saturday to go home. 

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