Saturday 20 July 2019

St Junien to Limoges 40km (500m climbing)

We knew today would be tough but it was harder than we expected. 

With only 40km to travel to Limoges we decided to detour through Oradour-sur-Glane. This villages was totally designated by the Germans in 1944 by weapons and fire. 642 people were killed including 193 children. The original village has been maintained in its ruined state with a new village built alongside it. A memorial has been created and since 2017, pictures of the 642 killed have been immortalised on ceramic on the walls. There are still a few missing photos but not many. It was quite moving to visit here and I’m glad I had Elodie with me to share the experience. She too had never visited. 

We arrived in Limoges to the most horrendous climb - average 10%. The city is a bit confusing with a lot of one way streets. Elodie did the navigation and did an excellent job. 

Limoges is a beautiful city and we are staying at a central hotel which will allow me to wander the city once Elodie leaves on Saturday. 

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